Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Advice on Teen Pregnancy

Many teens now-a-days want to have babies and it's absolutely ridiculous. I am a 21 year old female residing in Brooklyn, New York and I know and see so many people who have children at such a young age I can't even put into words on how I think of this. One situation that is understandable for females having a baby at a young age, is when the condom broke, got pregnant and didn't want to get an abortion because of their beliefs. However, actually planning to have a child? Come on, really? Every single one of you young females who want to have kids can't even take care of yourself's, what makes you believe you can take care of a child? You expect mommy and daddy to buy everything for your child, while all you do is change their clothes and diapers, feed them, give them baths, etc? If that is the case you might as well become a babysitter and if you say that you babysat before so that means you can take care of your own child, you're ignorant. Get offended I really don't care but read the rest of this blog and I will have you think twice about wanting to have a child. First thing's first, babysitting and raising your own child are two completely different things. Its always easy to babysit, you want to know why? It's because all you do is watch the child for a few hours and give them back to the parents. Now, actually raising your own? Your whole entire life stops once you have that child. No more partying, drinking, smoking, or whatever it is that you enjoy doing with your friends. Your life is dedicated to that child and you cannot spend your money on anything you want unless it is for that child. That includes: pampers, toys, clothes, furniture, food, etc. Babies aren't cheap, they cost more than $10,000 a year. Who's gonna pay for all that? As I mentioned before, you gonna have mommy and daddy pay for everything? The babies father might say "I'll help you and the baby" and trust me sweetie most guys don't keep their word once the time is near for you to give birth to that child or they just leave and never talk to you again once you tell them your pregnant. They realize the reality and most likely won't even tell you that they aren't going to talk to you anymore. Than what? You can say that you will get a job and go to school, but that is easier said than done when you throw a baby into it. Babies wake up every hour or every other hour of the night either crying for food, their diapers are dirty, or crying just for the hell of it. Most babies will go on for all hours of the night for no reason. You can also say how you can take care of yourself by cooking, cleaning and doing laundry but guess what? My 12 year old little cousin could do the same thing but that doesn't mean he's ready to have children. For you to cook and do laundry, who pays the electricity bill for you to use the stove, microwave, and oven to cook your food, or the refrigerator to put your food inside so your food won't spoil, or to use the washer and dryer to clean your clothes? Who pays for the water bill so you can use water to wash your food and to use it to cook pasta or whatever else you need water for to cook or to wash your clothes? Who buys the groceries, cooking and cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, softener, bleach and Clorox and everything else you need? Sure as hell you don't since you most definitely don't have a CAREER to do so. If you can't pay for any of the things I mentioned for yourself what makes you think you can do it for your child? Now, a question might pop into your head after reading this: "How am I gonna know when I'm ready to have kids?" You really wanna know? The time you find out you are ready to have kids is when you have a ring on your finger, living with your husband who hopefully is also the father of your children, in a house that you are able to afford since you are making the money you need to take care of yourself and have more than enough money to spend. If you don't want to get married well having the money to take care of yourself without depending on mommy and daddy still applies to you and when that happens, go ahead have kids. But you always have to make sure, get your career going first, make sure you are able to live on your own by paying the bills, expenses, etc. and get your life straightened out first before bringing a child into this world. If you have a child now at a young age, you best and believe you will regret it because, as I mentioned, you won't be able to do anything you are doing now with your friends. If you do while you have a child than you are a horrible parent. Please take this advice and wait. I know so many people around my age and younger who regret getting pregnant so early. Don't get me wrong, they love their children, but every single one of them said that they wished they had waited longer because they can't do anything anymore. 

Thank you for taking your time to read this post, I hope you liked it and please comment and let me know how the post was. This is my first post.

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